Determining your digital transformation goals

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Regardless of the size of your organisation, having the right digital systems can help you improve efficiency, reduce cost and raise customer satisfaction.

In the immediate term, it contributes to increased employee effectiveness, with less time spent on routine manual tasks and easier access to valuable data insights. In the mid-term, it creates the foundation of new revenue streams.

To determine what you want from digital transformation, you must first identify and understand the needs of your business and customers. How can you lead or react quickly to changing market conditions that call for continuous innovation? What productivity blockers are holding your employees back from achieving their top performance? What do your customers want to achieve – and how can digital solutions make that happen more easily?

An example of this we have encountered in many recent projects (see case studies section) is how business data can be used in new ways to create value. By moving data beyond siloed internal systems, you can create powerful dashboards and tools to accelerate team workflows and enable wider insights. You can also provide self-service portals that enable customers to answer their needs quickly and easily.

A lean and agile process is key in ensuring your digital transformation is addressing these needs and is set up to deliver value. No business wants to spend time and money on a digital transformation project, only to find later it did not meet the actual needs of the business. That’s why organisations work with Elsewhen to reduce the risk around digital transformation – by running an 8-week process for discovery and definition of the true requirements and goals.

The discovery process uncovers the key opportunities for achieving efficiency, revenue and productivity gains. It also equips decision-makers with vital information regarding the expected cost and impact of the project.

By working through the 8-week process, you uncover where problems currently exist, and how you can tackle them with efficient digital processes and automation. You’ll also explore how technologies such as cloud, software-as-a-service (SaaS), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can provide insights and create business value.

This is the start of an ongoing journey, where different layers of your organisation take part in transforming their future digital business environments.

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