Moving beyond manual business processes

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In recent years, businesses have had to define new ways of working – and new ways to measure and track productivity over time.

For many organisations, the shift into an all-remote operating model introduced new challenges related to the stack of internal digital technologies and tools that are used to perform critical tasks.

General-purpose office software solutions, such as spreadsheets, are often used as ad hoc tools for managing business processes. They are a readily available and familiar way for multiple team members to collect and share data. Alternatively, off-the-shelf SaaS work management tools are used.

Both these approaches may ‘plug the gap’ for a while – but are not good long-term solutions. They are designed for a general business audience, making them hard to customise for your specific use case. They still require a large amount of manual activity to manage and are hard to maintain.

This means they are not cost-effective – and they don’t scale well as your needs grow. This is especially true for large enterprises with complex requirements and edge cases.

Companies must be able to provide teams with the right technology for their tasks. In order to streamline work, unlock productivity gains and react quickly to new business opportunities, leaders should work with their teams to create digital processes that are based on their needs and can evolve over time.

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