Avoiding the common pitfalls of digital transformation

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Many digital transformation initiatives fail because they did not adequately prepare or account for the common pitfalls along the journey. These problems can be overcome or avoided by working with a specialist digital transformation consultancy.

Lack of organisation-wide commitment

You may face a lack of commitment from across the organisation to the required changes. A digital transformation consultancy can help you gain commitment and buy-in from across the organisation. This must start from the top down – by winning the commitment of C-level executives.

Treating technology as a foreign object

You may find that people in your organisation still see technology as an optional tool, separate to the mainstream of business – rather than as a vital and integral part of it. Your consultancy can help you drive the cultural change that must support technology change. 

Lack of stakeholder consensus

You may face a lack of consensus between your different stakeholders on digital transformation. Your consultant will help you understand what motivates your stakeholders, and what they want from it 

Cutting corners on the journey

Under pressure to deliver transformation, managers will often seek shortcuts that enable them to do this within constrained timescales and already squeezed budgets. Your consultancy will help your people see the drawbacks of corner-cutting in terms of business risk and tech debt. 

Failing to consider future-proofing

You may find that people in your organisation are not considering longevity when it comes to digital transformation. Your consultancy can help with future-proofing for adaptability and scalability. 

Seeing transformation as an end goal

You may find that people consider digital transformation as an end goal – rather than a continuous ongoing process of business improvement. Your consultancy will help your organisation keep focus on the objectives of transformation, not just the journey.

Lack of sufficient funding

You may face challenges of securing enough funding to ensure the success of digital transformation. Your consultancy can help you find an agile and iterative approach to your funding strategy. 

Lack of leadership technology experience

You may struggle to engage with your organisation’s leadership on digital transformation due to them lacking deep experience in technology. Your consultancy can help you bring your leadership up to speed on the key issues and benefits of technology change. 

Using transformation as “innovation theatre”

You may find that your digital transformation initiative becomes a kind of “innovation theatre” – with a focus on looking good rather than delivering results. Instead of trying to dazzle people with digital fireworks, your consultancy will help you create genuine business value.

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